Glenn Bates, President
Glenn is a result-driven sales strategist with a 26+ year record of achievement and demonstrated success driving multimillion-dollar revenue growth while providing visionary sales leadership in highly competitive markets. Most importantly, though, Glenn is the Father of Noah, an exceptional Daddy who showed up for all things Noah. A remarkable mentor and coach, Glenn coached both youth football and baseball for 7 years and historically served as a Big Brother to 5 boys for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dallas. There is no one more empowered and driven to make a positive impact in the advancement and education of off-road motor vehicle safety than Noah’s Dad,

Kathryn Bates, Vice President
Kathryn (Katy) is a dedicated and focused Administrative Executive who excels in prioritizing, completing multiple tasks simultaneously, and exceptional following through to achieve project goals. Better known as Noah’s Mom, Katy is energetic, flexible, dependable, and hardworking with a strong desire to succeed, especially in the effort of her son’s foundation. Katy’s passion for speaking her son's name in the hope of saving just one life, the grief she understands as a mother who lost her son too soon, and her love for community will undoubtedly provide incredible awareness and education for the mission of her son’s foundation.

Jennifer Howard, Treasurer
Jen is a nationally recognized performer in business development and employee engagement between local, national, and international nonprofits in conjunction with the city, state, and federal sectors of government. Jen is a strategic thinker and motivated achiever who is nationally recognized for combining program excellence, integrity, and innovation to achieve immediate and long-term goals. The Bates Family would become Jen's first friends in Texas upon her arrival from Alaska when Noah was just a baby. Her non-profit and fundraising experience, combined with her love and commitment to the Bates family and this unrealized mission, will serve Noah’s foundation well.

Johnnie Hudman, Secretary
Johnnie is a highly driven and successful marketing and sales executive in various industries and holds a BBA in Marketing from Texas Tech. In addition to 25 years of successful experience in sales and management, Johnnie has owned his own business for 10 years. Johnnie serves as a coach and mentor to youth, including coaching football for his sons’ and Noah’s teams. In fact, Johnnie's son Ledger and Noah were best friends who shared a love for sports and many other things together. Johnnie's love for family and friends and Noah’s place in his family’s tapestry is already being realized by his commitment to the foundation.